..a psychoanalysis based upon the picking of pretty pictures.
So I did another one of these quizuzle-type things, courtesy of Jo ^-^ http://dna.imagini.net/friends/
Imagini Visual Profile :: Carolithe
You're an adventurous person with a limitless imagination. Calling ground control? You are a complete dreamer, you like space to think, you see beauty even in the most inhospitable environments. When it comes to art, you appreciate natural beauty. You take time to soak up the nature favouring the coastline and countryside to the city galleries. As for music, you're a focused listener and always on the lookout for something new. Your music collection is your treasure. Your choice of treat reveals either real exhaustion, or maybe a bit of laziness? Either way you're never happier than when you are rugged, and snuggled up, eyes shut.
[DREAMER: Always drifting off, their imagination takes control. They have big ideas, and a cool calm manner.]
You really value your 'quiet time' - to recharge, and reconnect with yourself. You're not afraid to take yourself away from people and explore your imagination. For kicks you like to indulge in your great passions. You are probably happy spending time alone, and your drive and curiosity will take you all over the world. When it comes to holidays, you like to be immersed in a completely different world. It's a chance to explore activities that you don't have the time for in day-to-day life. What grosses you out? You favour the natural look and can't stand a pumped and plumped, plastic appearance.
[ESCAPE ARTIST: They are forever slipping off, getting away from the rat race, and recharging those batteries. Independent, and thoughtful - they know themselves well.]
Your choice of drink shows that on the whole you care about your health and make sure you're putting the right stuff in. As for the home, style is not top of your list - you're too busy with other things in life. You collect and store - you can be a hoarder.
[JUNKIE MONKEY: They don't have rules, and they don't like restrictions. They make their own choices, and do as they please. For them, pleasure always comes first.]
You're a real home soul. You care deeply about family life and all that comes with it, the love of a child very special. When you think of freedom - you think of technology providing you with the links to communicate wherever you are. Opening more doors.
[HOME SOUL: Their heart is always at their nest, they place real importance on friendships. They are family minded, and forge strong relationships.]
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