Friday, February 16, 2007 and excitement and.. maybe even travel.. oh my!

^-^ excitement and utter, utter dagsville! i placed a pre-order for the Jade Empire PC game, due out on March 2 special edition. (i'm a sucker for artbooks.) squee!

also awaiting from overseas the japanese game
Yo-Jin-Bo, and some toys, and also counting down the days (weeks?) anticipating the arrival of some Ouran goodies from Anissa in California. i went a bit crazy on the funstuff-shopping, so i've got to curb my spending over the next month or so, since i'm hoping to go to Sydney near the end of March.

K and her friend Mirj are gonna climb the
harbour bridge (eek..), and if i can get a few days off work, i'll.. well, i won't climb the bridge, it's a freakin' 3-hour hike in the elements and let's face it, i'm not that masochistic, but.. i'll join them in anything that doesn't involve trying to haul my own sorry carcass up a giant crank of metal. i mean, c'mon, girls, it's a holiday. there's no need for unneccesary strain ^-^

it'd be fun to see
Taronga Zoo, though. i hear they have a penguin rehabilitation program, amongst other things..

so, fingers crossed that i can get a few days off, and that i can keep from spending too much money in the meantime..


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