In the midst of recovering a shipment of twinkly bottles of booze which had been lost at sea, it suddenly occurred to Alf that maybe ONE little bottle might not be missed, and it was such a nice evening by the shore..

"Invisible Olympic Rowing". Alf and Snap continue their strange antics in Azeroth by defying gravity and sitting on top of the water rather than sinking.
(Snap chooses to row using a Giant Spanner as his paddle, while Alf stays with the theme of Invisible Rowing by also having a matching Invisible Paddle. Clever, eh?)

Alf goes to sleep on the water. Why? Because she can.
Meanwhile, Snap practices his calisthenic Ribbon Dance for his other Olympic event.

Sometimes you're never quite sure what you're going to see when you turn a corner in Winterspring. Sometimes you'll find snow, sometimes you'll see a treasure chest, and sometimes.. you come face-to-face with a playful yeti pretending he's ambushing you in a spirited game of laser-tag.
(leaps out Bruce-Willis-style) "Pewpewpewww!! Ha-HAH!!"
(blinkblink..WTF..) "...riiiight. Okay, you got me."

And of course, sometimes you turn the corner and find something really cool and exciting, like buildings with PENGUIN THEMED WALLPAPER!!! ^_^
I had such an attack of the Massive Happies when I discovered that the town in Winterspring, despite not having any penguins of which to speak, chose my favourite kind of flightless bird to adorn the walls of their every building...
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