Friday, November 10, 2006

temperatures this week are in the high thirties..

whee! i'm back at the computer after a week away.

the second half of my thursday was spent in bed, generating nuclear power. yaaay fever. you could have cooked an egg on my head, if you were the type of person who enjoys eating eggs that other people's heads have been in. and the heatwave continued through friday, leaving me feeling completely can't-be-arsed and, as a result, i didn't eat for two days.

not the nicest diet i've been on.

and sleep! oh my freaking $#%@!!! i thought i loved sleep. but every time i woke up, convinced i'd slept 8 hours, i looked at the clock and it was just 2!! i wanted to throw a tantrum except that.. i couldn't be arsed. damn. so i shut my eyes and tried again. and again. i swear i had at least five dreams where i had woken up and spent the day at work and come home driving a hungry-hungry-hippo.

saturday was better. i woke up cold, which was a nice change, so i went to work. and after that, on to karen's bday BBQ! (yay!)

stopped off at a petrol station to refill the car, get two bags of ice, and a litre of milk.

it sounds really easy, ne?

until i got to the ice freezer. unlatching it wasn't a problem, and i stuck my head in, grabbed a twisty, and pulled.

nothing. it wouldn't budge.

i thought, crap, i must be the most pathetic little weed ever.

so i pulled again. the plastic tore off, and i had a little internal freak-out.

upon closer inspection, all the bags of ice were welded together.

my itty bitty little girly fingers couldn't dig any of them out, so i sheepishly went back to the counter and asked the old beardy man to help me.

in the end, he had to go get a crowbar and hack the hell out of the ice bags.

i felt a little better (though i wish he'd let me have a go with the crowbar), and trotted off with two slightly mangled bags o' ice.

spent the rest of the night pattering around snapping photos of the party crew, trailing mandy along with me everywhere. (once again, forgot to tell steve that i know his homies greggely and anna). admired shan's handiwork (she did karen's makeup for the night), played with karen's new digi-dog SiSi (go the nintendogs), and watched some SingStar shenanigans.

resolution for next year: must acquire SingStar. good for parties. ^-^

i would've liked to stay longer, but.. mummy wanted me home by 12. *sigh*

...yep, i really need to move out.


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