Thursday, December 20, 2007

uwahhhhh T-T

what an unfun start to the day..

8:45am - overslept. CRAP.

9:00am - left the house.

9:02am - realised had left bag o'gifts for tonight at home. Double crap.

9:15am - left house for second time, after making sure Tripod tickets were in possession.

9:16am - it started raining. Triple crap.

9:30am - still waiting for bus (decided not to walk, on account of big rain.)

9:35am - bus arrives, late. -_-"

9:40am - get off bus, nearly at work..

9:41am - car passes by, and goes through a HUGE PUDDLE, which is so startled that it leaps sideways.. and, unfortunately, straight on to me. am soaked all down my right side, head to toe. Quadruple crap.

9:42am - compound misery by slipping on tiled floor just outside office, and landing on my ass, wetting the seat of my jeans. Quintuple crap.

9:43am - drag my sorry self in through the office door, and prepare to face a gloomy day at work whilst smelling of wet dog and bemoaning the roadwater in my hair and shoes T-T can only get better from here, right?



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