Monday, September 10, 2007

*yawn* tired! O_O

so carms has been and gone like a whirlwind, and left behind her the aftermath - a tired, tired caro.

city shopping, overdosing on pizza at bluefire, scaring ourselves at the "haunted" old melbourne gaol, arcading, shopping, mario karting, k-mart shopping, lunching at New Age, shopping, shopping in different location, dinner, drinking, karaoke, lunching at TGIF, frightening random people at Melbourne Uni, caffeinating at Brunetti, admiring (and in carm's case, sampling) kaz's massage bed and pondering green socks over croc teeth, and then making a mad dash for the airport.. good times.

as a result of karaoke, caro now has emilia's Big Big World stuck on permanent loop in her head. ah well. such is life.

lesson learned this weekend: don't wear a miniskirt to karaoke. it are super-uncomfortable to sit down in, you literally stick to the couch, and you can only sit there with your knees together, resulting in frequent resting of elbows on knees over the night, and sore bruised knees the next day. gah.

i did look supercute, but it was hardly worth the bother -_-"

though Manifest anime festival is this weekend, and it looks like caro could be dressing up again. if she can be bothered cosplaying. gothic lolita dresses and knee-high fishnets, anyone?


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