Alf and Snap buckle up on the zeppelin for the next Big Adventure..

The spookiness of the Dark Portal awaits. Snap doesn't hesitate to run towards the mystical portal which, frankly, seems to be made of gladwrap coated in amoeba and glitter, and quite possibly looks more like it leads to a giant vat of Vegemite rather than a Grand New World.
Alf stops to sit down and take a photo, in case this is the last thing she ever sees before she drowns in Concentrated Yeast Extract.

Upon discovering that the portal does not, in fact, lead to Death By Sandwich Spread, Alf also discovers a new and dangerous excitement: playing Chicken on the city roads with large beefy drivers who are quite possibly on steroids AND who are riding the equivalent of an Azerothian hummvee - the HORNED ELEPHANT.
Moments before the inevitable collision, Alf realises that challenging said Elephant with her small squawky riding bird is, perhaps, not the best of ideas.

Luckily, it all ends well, and the elephant's driver invites Alf and her bird to his birthday party, where everyone is happily toasting marshmallows on giant bonfires and larking about dancing the Rainbow Ribbon Pole.
See, appearances can be so deceptive ^_^

After a long and tiring adventure, Alf settles herself into a coffin and promptly falls asleep.
Hey, Vegemite is good stuff... I spose a whole vat of it might be overkill... and you'll most definatley die of dehydration...
Is that coffins from UCity? Good ol' open fronted inn :)
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