Saturday, March 15, 2008

..i'm just a baby, oh my.. >_<

aaand it looks like i'm suffering another bout of angstiness again. man, i so thought i'd have grown out of this by now -_-" hellooooooooo slightlyEmo!Caro.. gawd.

the musical flabour (yes, flabour. it's like "flavour" but with a jappy accent..) of the moment is another Japanese rock-chick song because.. because... i is wanting many things i can't have.. a house, a kitty, crazy-fast internets.. and, of course, the usual things a sad and tragic little Disney girl would mope over.

dammit, dammit, dammit. i'm still waiting for the growing up to happen -_-"

you'd think that at 25 years old i'd have this whole Feelings thing licked. a quarter of a century's worth of living has got to count for something..

Merry Go Round - YUI
飛び出した スニーカー ひとの波に逆らうように 歩いた 
My dashing sneakers walked as though going against the tide of people
Can I come back? どうすればよかっただろう?
Can I come back? What should I have done?

はなやかな街並みだって 滲んでゆく帰り道
The beautiful street scenery blurs on my way home
Crazy passion, easy action 受け止めて 欲しかったのに
Crazy passion, easy action - I wanted to take it all in

涙の Merry-Go-Round 輝きに戸惑う
A Merry-Go-Round of tears lost in the shining
I'm just a baby, oh my

さよなら Merry-Go-Round 愛情がカラ回りした
Goodbye Merry-Go-Round, love was all for nothing
Feelings.. a Merry-Go-Round

たちどまる交差点 振り向けないの 期待している 優しさに 
Standing still at the intersection, I can't turn around, you were expecting it
Can I come back? ゆだねる事ができない
Can I come back to kindness? I can't commit to it

シグナルが青に変わって 私はまた歩き出す
The signal changes to green and I start walking again
どうしたの?Is this all? 追いかけて 欲しかったのに
What's the matter? Is this all? I wanted you to follow me

涙の Merry-Go-Round 輝きに戸惑う
A Merry-Go-Round of tears lost in the shining
I'm just a baby, oh my

さよなら Merry-Go-Round 愛情がカラ回りした
Goodbye Merry-Go-Round, love was all for nothing
Feelings.. a Merry-Go-Round

涙の Merry-Go-Round 悲しみが止まらない
A Merry-Go-Round of tears, the sadness doesn't stop
I'm just a baby, oh my

さよなら Merry-Go-Round 消さないで そう願うだけ
Goodbye Merry-Go-Round, my only wish is for you not to disappear
Feelings.. a Merry-Go-Round..

..why the hell do i feel so melancholy, anyway?? i had fun last night - i had a lovely dinner with Kaz at the Pavilion in doncaster (the Thai rare beef salad there is super-good, by the way.. and their fresh-hot fries with whipped mayo was diviiiiine), followed by a slightly-strange but fun outing for ice-cream at Dairy Bell with Kaz & Myandi & Tyrone (i'm never eating Rocky Road again), and completed the evening with hilarity in card games till the wee hours of this morning (yeah, i totally didn't make it home last night despite all good intentions. what a rebel i've become..) thanks to Thothful and Bess who graciously did not question why we suddenly and unexpectedly needed to descend upon their home at 11 at night...

i had SUCH a good time! it was the best of Friday nights! so why did i feel so bereft afterwards..? nothing makes sense -_-"

maybe i'm coming down with something...



Blogger Kazzens o(^O^)o said...

maybe it was the rocky road ice cream...?? or MAYBE something during the Dairybell outing??? *hint hint* hehe~!

7:41 pm  
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8:12 pm  

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