Thursday, August 07, 2008

..i am slowly going mad..

Monday 4th August

Woke up with the song "命硬"(Tough Life..?) stuck in my head, despite not actually knowing the words beyond that it has a line that says something about 200 years..

Was woeful for the entire walk to work, and I'm still not sure why :(

Found the lyrics and an english translation at lunchtime and faaaaaar out, I cried. >_< Geez, I've got to find a way to control this downer that inevitably occurs shortly after I've overdone the happies..

Who needs drugs and alcohol when one seems to have naturally occurring chemical imbalances? I get all the ups and downs for free, no additives required.. =_=

Tuesday 5th August

Holy crap, it happened again. I went to Sweet As after work to pick up more gold choc coins to send to Nutley and got excited to find things to send Carmoo and Chedter too. After that was a detour into Coles to pick up bread and eggs for Mum, and then I started walking home..

..and found myself depressed and bawling as soon as I turned into Ross Street =_= Not the best of moments to suddenly go all suicidal death lemming. But the tears disappeared as soon as I got into my driveway, so I figured it was just 24-hour tiredness from lack of sleep, or subconscious stress over something i wasn't aware of yet.

Ate some dinner. Felt nauseous. Stopped eating. >_<

Wednesday 6th August

Something HAS to be wrong. I only wish I knew what. I cried again at lunch today, only minutes after getting excited happy dancing gleeful over finding peach rings for Azzador and something else to send Nutley..

I think my brain is broken.

Ty the almost-doctor thinks I should get a solid 8 hours sleep this time and see if that fixes anything.

So here goes.. fingers crossed. x >_< x


Blogger Carmen said...

@_@ Caro, go to sleep!

(But I get like that after too much Leo happiness... a bit like the y=sinx^2 graph!) if you're interested :P

8:34 pm  

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