: super-happy mega catch-up time :
..i blame the new addiction that is GaiaOnline.
i like to run around looking like a cute little anime sprite.
i like collecting clothes. and furnishing a little house.
it's better than Neopets.
..anyway, so this is what's been happening over the long weekend..
friday 8th june
uncle 4's 70th birthday dinner, celebrated at.. dad's all-time favourite golf club, of all places.
..yip. fake-poshness abounds, with little bread rolls + fillet mignon + frittata + pea & ham soup + linguini carbonara + prawn cocktails + crumbed flathead + tiramisu + lemon tart + apple strudel.
well, at least the apple strudel was good.
and my uncle seemed pleased enough with his present - a real bonsai tree, like the kind that Mr Miyagi kept in The Karate Kid.
saturday 9th june
work, work, read magazines, read newspapers, work, do accounts, sing along to michael buble, play with baby Lachlan (whom we're babysitting at work due to Lachlan's mummy & daddy going to see the matinee of Miss Saigon), entertain baby Lachlan, tie giraffe rattle to Lachlan's pram with string, get licked by Lachlan whilst affixing said string to pram.
he's a cute little blonde and blue-eyed thing, but he sure does drool a hell of a lot.
and he seems to want to eat everything. we set him on the floor for a moment so he could have a break from sitting in the pram all day, and.. he powers straight for the pram, his wide-open mouth lunges for the dirt-and-grass-encrusted wheels...
gahhhh. i don't know how to deal with babies, and it was damned awkward trying to haul him back by the shoulders without breaking anything. "noooo, Lachlan, no! WHEELS ARE NOT FOR EATING! oh-gawd-oh-gawd-oh-gawd don't force me to break your shoulders just SIT c'mon Lachlan, look, shiny watch, you want to see my watch again, right? there you go... eurgh.. that's right, just slag all over my arm.. *wince* ..yep, okay, cool, no more eating wheels, okay? there's a good little guy. yeah. hey, look, your brand new soggy giraffe rattle (ew)!"
i believe i require no further proof that i should never be allowed to have, or be left alone with, small and helpless and utterly incomprehensible human children.
sunday 10th june
biktor's surprise birthday dinner! at yamagata's japanese all-you-can-eat. ooooooooh.
so bukes made this totally awesome giant wooden guitar birthday card for vic, and everyone had chipped in to buy him his very own and much-lusted-after acoustic guitar, and he spent the rest of the night happily snuggling it and patting it in between snarfing down vast amounts of delicious japanese food.
there were teriyaki skewers, salmon sashimi, assorted maki sushi, gyoza dumplings, tempura veggies & prawns, buttered pippis, fried fish, fried curried tofu, wagyu beef, grilled ox tongue slices (?! mel said it was like bacon?!), miso soup, and a variety of other hot & cold dishes that i can't recall because truthfully the only important bit to me was dessert.
sesame ice cream, green tea ice cream, red bean ice cream, wasabi ice cream (?!), and green tea cake. yummmmmmmm. desserty bliss.
i wore my kickass new piratey boots, and felt totally awesome rocking cool.
monday 11th june
queen's birthday holiday. happy birthday, Queen Lizzie! ("look, Phillip, i'm a stamp!")
i spent it cleaning out my room and closet. oh, what joy. oh, what bliss. oh, what great and fooffing clouds of dust arise from hidden depths to attack me like an angry airborne swarm of dustbunnies protecting their little dustbunny villages from the Cleaning Godzilla.
sneeze, sneeze, cough, cough, asthmatic old-man wheeze. oh, wussy joy, asthma returns to remind me that, yes, i have a pathetic respiratory system. -_-" my lungs are such wimps. bah.
i tied a bandana to cover my mouth & nose and was satisfied to note that i looked like i was about to hijack a horse-drawn carriage. stand and deliver, heh heh heh. i love playing dressups.
so after hours of choking and wheezing and re-arrangifying of stuff.. one can now see one's own floor (rejoice!) and one's humongous piles of manga books are now safely and more conveniently arranged on one's bookshelf.
also, one's closet is now tidy and one can now see what items of clothing one actually owns.
mission accomplished - on to dinner with Kazmaren and Peter P at the Skinny Dog in Kew.
..again, ate HEAPS. -_-" ..i'm so going to become a roly-poly, at this rate. it has been a weekend full of gorging.
there were crispy crunchy seasoned potato wedges with sweet chilli sauce & sour cream, and Pete had the mixed grill (spicy sossie, bacon & egg, grilled pork and beef), Kaz had the chicken kiev (HUGE chicken fillet stuffed with herby buttery goodness) on potato mash with VEGGIES THAT WEREN'T CARROTS, and i decided to go the wussy option of a calamari salad because i wanted to leave room for dessert. (apple crumble. my favouritest!)
Kaz shaped her leftover mash into a rather impressive mini-incan-pyramid-temple thing to which she then added a nice tropical feel by stealing my parsley, placing it atop the temple so that it looked like some sort of tall leafy palm tree. Pete contributed by offering a peppercorn to serve as a coconut for the new tree. we were quite satisfied with the end result.
all in all, a good night ^-^
i ended the weekend by watching the anime movie Toki wo Kakeru Shojo (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) just before i went to bed.
it is an awesome animovie. i loved it, and i want a chiaki!!!