Tuesday, October 21, 2008

= WoWphotos, vol. 13.2 (Halloween Edition) =

Broomstick! ^-^

KITTY!!! ^_^

..nearly witchy. Alf is happy. and full of candy.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

= WoWphotos, vol. 13.1 (Halloween Edition) =

Halloween shenanigans!

Trick or Treating Backfire #1: Alf-as-kittycat.

Trick or Treating Backfire #2: Alf-as-Worm.

Bobbing For Apples - You're Doing it Wrong.

Attempting to convince people to Bob for Pumpkins, done by placing a Weighted Pumpkin on one's own head & sitting in a tub of water, waiting to spring out at unsuspecting passers-by.

Only the faithful Mechanical Chicken seems at all amused.

Treat Bag dud treats #3: toothpicks. Though they do give one a sparkly smile, on a Blood Elf face it just seems to make it look as though one is glowing through one's nose.

Friday, October 17, 2008

= WoWphotos, vol. 13 =

More photos! (Inspiration comes in bursts.)

Davy tried to plummet of a cliff and somehow managed to get herself snagged on a big branch of nothing about halfway down. It was very interesting, sitting underneath and watching her swim with her foot stuck in the wall.

Alf edges up for a closer look.

..still hanging..

..entertaining herself by having staring contests with the moss and lichen, no doubt.

And then.. another interesting discovery was made! Shnap's beheaded wolf mask.. is that of a LADY WOLF!! If you look closely, see the lipstick and eyeliner. That wolf was all dolled up & ready to go out for a night on the town before her life suddenly came to a tragic end and she became a trophy hat.

The look is further compounded by the fact that Shnap has a beard and thus is a Bearded Wolf Lady.

I'm so easily amused.

= WoWphotos, vol. 12 =

Just thought I'd post a photo of some albino drake flying things Alf saw in front of the bank. I've never seen them before, but Ches seemed a bit excited by my mentioning them so I figured I'd post the snapshot here.

Rumour has it that they can be obtained as a reward for having accumulated 50 riding mounts on one character. Personally Alf prefers her drakes to look less flying-goanna-with-artichoke-tail and maybe a little more.. dragonny..

Another new thing for the patch was the addition of the Barber Shop, so Alf and the Mechanical Chicken had a squiz at what was on offer in Undercity. In the end, decided everything was perfect as it was, but the chair was fun to sit in.

When Alf jumped off, chicken jumped on for its turn. Too bad the resident barber-goblin didn't offer chicken makeovers.. ^-^

Monday, October 13, 2008

= WoWphotos, vol. 11 =

Mechanical Chicken encounters Bruce the Shark's flying cousin. Alf is dubious about its intentions regarding her small metallic avian pet, much in the way all fish should have been dubious about Bruce the Shark in Finding Nemo.

Well, it did look as though it were contemplating iron chicken nuggets.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

= WoWphotos, vol. 10 =

Aeilfe finally got her much-longed for Mechanical Chicken pet..! ^-^

Yep. That's pretty much all I had to share :D ..Buk buk buk...
