:: Carmie's album launch tonight! Let the Light in ^-^ ::
so my childhood play-buddy Carmie's launching her debut EP tonight at LifeSpring (as advertised on Facebook) before she heads off to travel for the rest of the year.Some sample songs from the EP can be heard on her myspace - www.myspace.com/carmentong - you should give it a listen, it's really good!..gosh.Carmie's the second friend to release her own cd.. is this the new trend? ^-^ Kabs - where's that record you and & Willo were going to put out, hmmm....?maybe i should make one.. >_< ...hahahaha, nah.
happy birthday to mehrin!
it's mehrin's birthday today - happy 25th birthday Mez! haha, we're all so old, yey whooo. ^-^
the non-gangrenous kind of zombie bite
wise words from Channary:"Don't think of yourself as an ugly person, think of yourself as a beautiful monkey."also, thanks to the infectious crazes of my strange actress friend, i've gotten addicted to the wonder that is online stickerphotoing at puricute.com -_-"see the results...
please note i used a penguin photo because i didn't want to embarrass any humans i know.but to the average unobservant human, "all penguin look same", so i have no compunctions posting a photo of this particular peng for all to see.
you can choose a background and stick all sorts of crazy stickers on your photo - just like on a real stickerphoto machine in the arcades! it's such the big fun.
there was this one background i LOVED but didn't quite go with the penguin photo.. it has a phrase on it that says "MADE OF AWESOME" - hahahahaha! i so want that on a t-shirt to wear at work.
the importance of pants. amongst other things.
not the best start to the day. started off walking to work, encountered a magpie, and the magpie was so startled that it wet itself, except, not wearing pants, the magpie kind of missed and ended up splattering my jeans instead in its excitement.to be fair, it looked kind of sheepish afterwards.it slunk away, possibly spurred on by my slightly-mental mutterings of "aaargh, look at what you've done, you incontinent chook".i turned back and went home to change my shirt & soak the old one, and clean my jeans.i told the budgies that they had some rather inconsiderate bird-cousins out there. and that all birds should wear pants...so i was late to work again today :(