Monday, January 18, 2010

:: Haiti Earthquake Appeal ::

If the recent catastrophes and disasters have left you feeling down, depressed and helpless, or you've just been going through a hell of a difficult time in your life, here is a little story to help lift your spirits..
This is a story about a lecturer who began a seminar holding up a 20 dollar bill, and asking:

"Who wants this 20 dollar bill?"

Several hands went up, but the lecturer said:

"Before handing it over, there’s something I must do."

He furiously crushed it, and asked again:

"Who still wants this bill?"

The hands continued raised.

"And what if I do this?"

He threw it against the wall, letting it fall to the floor, kicked it, stamped in it and again held up the bill - all dirty and crumpled. He repeated the question, and the hands continued to be held high.

"You mustn’t ever forget this scene," said the lecturer.

"No matter what I do with this money, it’ll still be a 20 dollar bill. Many times in our lives, we are crushed, stamped on, kicked, maltreated, offended; however, in spite of this, we are still worth the same."
Chin up, buck up, and remember that whatever you are going through, the way you carry yourself around others will have an effect on them.

If you can help others, even in a very small way, do so. Whatever you have to offer, be it kind words, a hug, a smile.. it can be an incredible help to people just to know you are there and that you care about them.

My grandma passed away last week, and although I didn't actually tell many people about it, I was so touched by the number of friends who sent messages, cards, flowers, and showed up to her funeral to support my family and me, even though some didn't know my grandmother personally.

Knowing that people care about what you are going through, that people are there to offer help and comfort should you need it, meant so much to me.

The people in Haiti are also grieving for their lost loved ones after the recent earthquakes. Not everyone can be there personally to offer comfort and support, but there are still small ways we can help. Most charities are running Haiti Earthquake Appeals, so you can offer a donation to help these people with basic necessities and to help them rebuild their lives.

If you can't afford a donation, please keep the people of Haiti in your prayers. Every small act of care you can offer counts..!
Oxfam Haiti Earthquake Appeal - Donate