Friday, September 28, 2007

..hey there delilah - take 2..

so there's been this song that's been getting heaps of airplay recently and it's been irritating me because it's suddenly popular.

"Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's.

not that it's a bad song, oh no - i loved it once upon a time.. way back in FEBRUARY. i even blogged it here.

get with the program, people! -_-" gawd. more than half a year ago, for feck's sake.. why does everything only become cool after i've well and truly gotten over it..?

Monday, September 24, 2007

:: who said that summer can brighten the mood of fate? ::

New favourite song from Do As Infinity - y'know, i only recently realised they were singing it in English?? hahahaha, those crazy j-rockers..
Summer Days - Do As Infinity

Summer days, I can't stand the summer days
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks
What's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day
Seaside motels and sex on the beach
Don't be thinking I went all the way

I hate summer days!

Rushing down the traffic, to the beach,
That's jammed for blocks and blocks
They ain't getting nowhere,
Still miles and miles left to go
Strutting down the street, the girls,
they try to impress their boyfriend to be
I give up and don't try
Every day is a bad hair day
Guys, they come up with lame pick-up lines,
Desperate to just get laid
Damn, give me a freaking break!

Goddamn summer days!

Kate was the one, who said that life was made to be enjoyed
Stop crinkling your face
Everything will turn out okay
Serving table to table up and down the isle
Had on a face I'd never seen
Whatever happened to her?
Who has stolen your smiles away?
Who said that summer can brighten the mood of fate?
Nothing is going to change
Damn, give me a freaking break!

Who needs summer days!

Summer days, they have never been the same
Once you left and were out of my sight
Leaving no trace behind
Summer day, why oh why on a summer day?
You were gone without saying goodbye
Taking it all away
No more summer days!

Thursday September 20th

pancake parlour breakfasts are awesome. you can have pancakes, you can have bacon and eggs, you can have eggs benedict, you can have fresh-made orange juice, you can have apple cider, but best of all, you can have LITTLE NESTS OF FRIED GRATED POTATO O_O

so that's the kind of brekkie that Kaz, Pete, Shorty and i were enjoying - potentially artery-clogging, and yet totally organic and wholesome, hahaha.. go figure.

Nary joined us later, and brought with her the softest, fluffiest little plush penguin i have ever cuddled. (thanks nary!!)

i took the pengie (as yet unnamed) along with me into the mental hospital where Kaz works (since she had to drop something off), cuddling it and petting it as i watched young students being briefed for a hospital tour.

left alone with Shorty, i hopped up and examined the curtains, lockers, and eye-scanny thing in the reception foyer - still clutching the penguin. i waved at brightly at the security guys in the office, to amuse myself. i played with Kaz's keys. i contemplated sneaking into the janitor's closet, but then Kaz came back and we were off like a rat down the sewers.

there was a brief stop at vic market so Kaz could stock up on sheep products (who knew sheep fat.. lanolin.. whatever) could be made into so many things??) before going to meet Mirry at Southern Cross station.

briefly Kaz and I pondered leaving Shorty there, anticipating that he would be found by kindly spencer street authorities and dubbed "Triple J" (as printed on his t-shirt), or "Tommy" (since he was carrying a Hilfiger bag), but we finally decided against the cruelty of it all, since Pumpkin had the cuteness factor working for her in appealing for help, whereas Shorty is.. well.. a big beardy-man, and probably less likely to be taken in by a kindly foster-family and fed vegemite toast.

we got to platform 14 and were immediately greeted be a pair of legs and a bright little pink handbag - which meant, of course, that the legs belonged to Mirry.

hugs and hats all 'round!

the afternoon at the Royal Melbourne Show was spent thusly:
- wings were purchased by Shorty and duly admired by all who crossed his path
- chooks were vigorously washed and blow-dried
- telepathic communication was attempted by Shorty with the feathered captives in their cages
- baby chicks were admired (one had goth-egyptian style eyeliner, NATURALLY OCCURRING!)
- baby chicks were entertained (Kaz spent a good ten minutes amusing a cheeping chick by waving her finger back and forth, inciting the chick to follow)
- Mirry was enthusiastically licked by a cow
- many, many dogs were looked at. the air was thick with the smell of dogness in the pre-judging shed -_-"
- kittens were admired and cooed at in the pet pavilion, prompting wantings for a bengal kitten
- cats were admired in the pet pavilion, and a perfect double for "happycat has run out of happy" from LOLcats was discovered
- snakes were ooh-ed at and petted
- colour-it-in horse badges were made
- dodgy pet-safety stickers were collected, and then liberally plastered all over Shorty
- piglets were chased
- goats were stared at
- giant inflated sharks were gazed at with awe
- bright spangled cowboy hats complete with tiaras very nearly got bought
- police motorcycles were posed upon
- police ribbons were made to adorn Kaz's pigtails
- temporary tattoos in honour of environment sustainability were applied to the backs of hands
- some cute young'un working the Youth stand may or may not have been flirted with by Mirry, whilst the rest of us lolled around on neon bean bags and sniggered at her
- handprints were made, splatting white paint on a piece of card - yey craftness!
- skyline ferris wheel (like cable cars but on a wheel) was sat in, and a big neon orange jellyfish in the clouds was marveled at
- baked taters got et
- dutch pancakes loaded with butter got et (but the butter was dumped.. poor butterball)
- Kaz got herself spray-tattooed with a star bracelet (uber-cool)
- krispy kremes were discovered.. and et
- foods and wines from all over victoria were marveled at and sampled by Shorty
- the viability of dragon blood chilli juice in ice cream was pondered, as well as the acceptability of the chilli tim tam
- showbags were browsed through and eventually bought
- i caved and also bought some black feathery wings, delightedly flitting around for the rest of the night like a demented raven

..i can't remember what else we did, but it was a hella fun afternoon ^-^

we had to bolt full-pelt for Melbourne Central at 6:30 or risk being late for the movie - had to make an emergency appeal to Pete to buy tickets since we were running so late!

arrived huffing, puffing and wings askew at the cinema to greet Jessabess, Greggles, Bri & Jules, and Mouse & Cher before toddling in to see Surf's Up..


i want to see it again!

it was that cute/clever/pretty/hilarious ^-^ AND it was full of penguins. can't go wrong with that!

and to top it all off, Biktor and Greggely had bought me a SINGING AND DANCING RAMON penguin toy O_O scary, and yet totally, awesomely, mega-cool. (thanks, guys!)

ooh, and thanks Pete for buying the Bad Alice showbag for me - i haven't worked up the courage to wear the toe socks just yet, but i'm sure i will eventually!

hugs of squee to everyone who attended, or sent me bday wishes - it was a brill birthday, i was so happy - THANK YOU ALL! ^-^

25 is ace. i can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

..bye Harry chickababe..

Harriet Kewell Budgie is gone.

my spunky little spitfire of a babygirl bird died this morning, on my birthday.

R.I.P, Harry darl. thanks for a year of laughs, for all the fluffy snuggles, and for never complaining about being the shoulder-parrot to my pirate wench.

..twenty-five today, twenty-five today.. *whack!*


a quarter of a century old!

..i don't feel any wiser. -_-"

but... Pancakes, Melbourne Show & Surf's Up tomorrow, yeyyyyyyyy! *dances*

any excuse to be pengous ^-^ and hoard showbags like a mad little thing..

oh, and if anyone's stuck for gifts to give me on this momentous occasion and milestone in life - i accept bertie beetles ^-^

Thursday, September 13, 2007

yey for the internal playlists, they're like a broken record

songs are stuck in caro's poor little head once again.

i caved and bought Jill (衛詩) Vidal's album "Diamond Love" and am now completely addicted to the song "寧 願 你 不 知 道 (I'd Rather You Not Know)"

情人時節 能握手 便足夠
無聊時間 能一起 聽演奏
跟你就永遠止於 良朋摯友

*寧願你永不知道 我多想與你好
 能做你知己 不必與你擁抱
 無謂愛意一宣佈 就此把你嚇倒
 慾望未大到 高攀不到*

維持朋友 無需要 便擁有
靈魂和你 同一秒 在揮手
戀愛在有無之間 仍然引誘

寧願你永不知道 我多想與你好
能做你知己 不必與你擁抱
無謂愛意一宣佈 就此把你嚇倒
情人與友好 都得不到

so that's stuck in my head, as well as still having Emilia's "Big Big World" and Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry" on permanent loop.

yey. ^-^

Monday, September 10, 2007

*yawn* tired! O_O

so carms has been and gone like a whirlwind, and left behind her the aftermath - a tired, tired caro.

city shopping, overdosing on pizza at bluefire, scaring ourselves at the "haunted" old melbourne gaol, arcading, shopping, mario karting, k-mart shopping, lunching at New Age, shopping, shopping in different location, dinner, drinking, karaoke, lunching at TGIF, frightening random people at Melbourne Uni, caffeinating at Brunetti, admiring (and in carm's case, sampling) kaz's massage bed and pondering green socks over croc teeth, and then making a mad dash for the airport.. good times.

as a result of karaoke, caro now has emilia's Big Big World stuck on permanent loop in her head. ah well. such is life.

lesson learned this weekend: don't wear a miniskirt to karaoke. it are super-uncomfortable to sit down in, you literally stick to the couch, and you can only sit there with your knees together, resulting in frequent resting of elbows on knees over the night, and sore bruised knees the next day. gah.

i did look supercute, but it was hardly worth the bother -_-"

though Manifest anime festival is this weekend, and it looks like caro could be dressing up again. if she can be bothered cosplaying. gothic lolita dresses and knee-high fishnets, anyone?

Friday, September 07, 2007

..Melbourne Is Indeed Fun, Too..

yey! Carms is here from Sydney!

fun abounds tonight - we three and Fafner are settling in for a spooky night tour of the Old Melbourne Gaol, to see the creepy and the kooky and if i'm really, really, terribly lucky, THERE WILL BE NO ZOMBIES.

Tuesday 4th September

so I went to see Knocked Up at the Jam Factory. was funny as all hell, but as a result of watching, methinks i'll stick with acquiring cats rather than popping out children -_-"

also, have resolved to never, ever, ever let myself get completely sloshed like Allison did. O_O