..more insanity in other languages.
and again, i have another song stuck in my head, flailing and jigging with little stick arms akimbo..Shuwi shuwi shuwi shuwiOom papa.. aiyaya, aiyaya..la la la laaaa, lala la la.. i don't actually know the words.But it's driving me super-crazy. In Thai. (Kyna, I blame you. Fully and completely and totally and utterly.)I can't wait to see what language invades my brain next week.
..too many rabbits in china.
Just thought I'd share my cute little chinadoll cousin. ^-^
a rousing game of web-tag.
My occupation is... Webigail.I went to College at... Swinburne University.My favorite foods are... fuji apples, hash browns, jellybeans. And pie.I'm currently reading... The Eyre Affair, by Jasper Fforde.When I play games, I play... Neverwinter Nights & Baldur's Gate, on my beloved laptop.My pets are... Zookie LaRoq (a rock) and Harry Budge (a budgie).My dream vacations would be... a cruise to see the penguins on Macquarie, or some lazy days in the Hawaiian sun.I went to High School at... Fintona Girls' School. (Hurrah for scholarships.)My favorite color is... sapphire blue. But black's nice, too.My favorite books are... Going Postal (Terry Pratchett), Splashdance Silver (Tansy Raynor Roberts), Piratica (Tanith Lee), Sebastian (Anne Bishop).My favorite movies are... Spirited Away, The Cat Returns, Ever After, Lilo & Stitch.When I watch TV, I watch... Futurama, KP, Scrubs, House. And most anime.When I listen to music, I listen to... Tripod, The Cat Empire, Evanescence, P!NK, Utada Hikaru, Kelly Chen.My favorite vacation spots are... Lorne, Phillip Island, Langkawi and Brisbane.My hobbies are... watching tv, reading books, playing computer games, budgie training, daydreaming, falling over creatively.
..now, you've been tagged. Your turn. ^-^
message in a bottle..
to my drifting friend:Happy Birthday, Fatima, wherever you are.
i need to dump this somewhere or i'll crack.
Have had this stuck in my head all morning, going around and around and around like a puppy with its tail tied to a pole.:: Alouette, gentille Alouette:: Alouette je te plumerai:: Alouette, gentille Alouette:: Alouette je te plumerai:: Je te plumerai la tête:: Je te plumerai la tête:: Et la tête, et la tête:: Alouette, Alouette:: Alouette, gentille Alouette:: Alouette je te plumeraiAm slowly going bonkers. In French, it seems.
if being emo makes you happy..
..then you're doing something wrong. (thanks, Timmy.)Look, I drew a sad person. (actually I have no idea what emo is all about - this is all that comes to mind when the word pops into my head.)
In other news, the nice asian lady (cambo? viet?) from my our local hot-bread bakery is quite upset that I've curled & chopped my hair short - she adored my insanely long hair, it seems...I don't know, I kind of like it. I let the Korean hairdresser talk me into doing something fun.It was so different and flooffy, to have short curly hair puffing around my head. And the different gravity! It bounced every time I moved, distracting me to no end. Very Tigger-ish. I bounded everywhere just to make my hair go boing. ^-^Mum loved my new hairstyle.. until the bounding began to annoy her. (I was running up and down the hallway, hopping around, making general happy noises, some of which may or may not have included "squee!") .. I think I was interrupting her Korean drama-viewing by constantly poinging in and out of the lounge room like a hyperactive ferret on.. whatever the ferret-version of catnip is. ferret-nip? fetnip? fnip?
So anyway, yeah, super mega exciting heppiness (note kiwi-accent) that day.Novelty has yet to wear off.Bounding squees of general yay have been added with my newest anime addiction: watching Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. On Keshi. Till dawn.I love my world. (But I still die every 5 minutes in Baldur's Gate. Hmm.)
suffering lack of bloggage
i've been spending a lot of time with Keshi, and have come to this conclusion:as a gamer, i totally suck. badly.have been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate and..every five minutes, my little thief character dies.i'm.. fairly sure this isn't supposed to happen. at least, not with such alarming frequency.i may have to resort to cheating. (again.)
"When life hands you a lemon, poison it and pass it on."
meet Keshi.. my newest love..
My shiny new laptop has arrived! Everyone, meet the Latitude D620.. 
I've named him Keshigomu ("Keshi") because.. um.. because "keshigomu" was my favourite word in eighth grade.
It's got a nice ring to it. Humorous. Quirky.
..Means "eraser" in Japanese ^-^
The two of us have already spent hours together, staying up till the crack of dawn learning how to play Baldur's Gate..
Who needs a boyfriend, anyway? ;)
Saturday 29th July
I am so unbelievably dumb.
Am now officially one of those people who has, inexplicably, managed to superglue their fingers together. ^-^
Yay, me.