..finding out what it Truly Means to be born the day i was..

..i mean, since when has this chicken-hearted, indecisive little wuss managed to be, at the same time, overconfident..?!?!
..and is not particularly talented or knowledgeable in regards to fashion.
and and and!!! "strong and industrious"!!! and "self-driven"!!! omg, i would so give up both my jobs in the blink of an eye if only i didn't need the moneys to get myself a houuuuuuuuse T_T and fund my book habit. hmm.. bookses..
..does it count as being highly ambitious if one's sole ambition is to own an apartment full of books and cats..?
but.. oodelally, i have never seen a reading so.. full of non-matchedness..
maybe is something i can work on. i wonder where you can go to take lessons on raunchifying your sense of humour..